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Meco riding a planquin at Sardinero Beach, 1962. Photo Meco. |
This embryonic contribution to the story of planky's was made possible by the assistance of the following people who assisted with magazine articles, translation assistance, time, information and photos: Salva Artaza, Javier and Iñaki Arteche , Monique Beaufils, Jesús Belmonte "Sancheski", Antony 'Yep' Colas, Daniel Creignou, Gérard Decoster, Joserra de la Mar, Joël de Rosnay, Gibus de Soultrait, Olaf de Vries, Lázaro Echegaray Eizaguirre, Sergio Gonzalez Alonso, Alain Gonfaus Martinena, Borja Garmendia, Aitor Linaszoro, Brian Lowe, João Macdonald, Hervé Manificat, Jose Manuel Gutierrez "Meco", Pierre Mennesson, Antonio Muglia, Jem Oxenden, Florent Palangié, Arthur Pauli, Jean Pouyet, Gavin Randall, Guilhem Rainfray, Pete Robinson, Jacky Rott, Marlyn Souffront Tirado, Hugo Verlomme, Felip Verger, Phillipe Zibin and Andrés Zuberoa, and importantly John Milliken for tech advice on web pages and Rod Rodgers for creating and supporting the website into all things related to paipo boards. Apologies if I omitted your name. Please let me know.
Alibert, Philippe & Alibert, Martine. (1978). Guide du Surf et des Plages (Guide of the Surf and the Beaches). Le Canon, Gironde: Surf Club of the Torch. |
Aristondo, Salvador (Salva) Artaza (2011). E-mail interview November 15 - 23, 2011. |
Arina, Iñigo (2017). Interview by July 3, 2017. Interview by Echegaray Eizaguirre. |
Arteche, J. (2011), E-mail interview September 20, 2011. |
Barland Surfboards. (undated) Historique du surf en France. Retrieved August 21, 2011 |
British Pathe. Italian Summer 1948. |
Colas, Antony 'Yep'. (n.d.). Surf a Biarritz: Les origines du surf a Biarritz. Les Halles De Biarritz Un Art De Vivre. Retrieved August 21, 2011 |
Colas, Antony 'Yep'. (n.d.). Retrieived on August 22, 2011. |
Crockett, Andrew (2009). Switchfoot II. Hoddady publications. |
de la Mar, Joserra (2018). El planking y la batalla de las olas (Planking and the battle of the waves). Retrieved January 18, 2020. |
de la Mar, Joserra (2018). E-mail communication, January 21, 2020. |
de Rosnay, Joël (2011). E-mail communication, August 20, 2011.) |
de Rosnay, Joël (1962). Le Surf. Surfer Magazine, 3(1), 23 and 29. |
de Soultrait, Gibus. (1998, April-June). Jacky Rott: Neptune de la premiere heure (Neptune in the first hours). The Surfers Journal (French edition), 14, 90-93, 120. |
de Soultrait, Gibus (2012). E-mail communication, December 6, 2012 |
de Vries, Olaf (2016). E-mail communication, May 3, 2016 |
de Vries, Olaf (2016). E-mail communication, September 5, 2016 |
Echegaray Eizaguirre, Lázaro and Mikel Troitiño Berasategi. 2007. Olatuek ekarri dutena: Zarauzko surfaren istorio bat. Zarautz: Udala, Kultura Saila Echegaray Eizaguirre, Lázaro and Mikel Troitiño Berasategi. 2007. What the waves brought in a history of surfing in Zarautz. Zarautz: Ayuntamiento, Departamento de Cultura Echegaray Eizaguirre, Lázaro and Mikel Troitiño Berasategi. 2007. Lo que han traído las olas: una historia de surf en Zarautz. Zarautz: Ayuntamiento, Departamento de Cultura. |
Elejoste, J.L. (1990). Entrevista a José Luis Elejoste. Marejada Surf, 1(1), 12-3. |
Esparza, D (2020). Email January 9, 2020. |
Esparza, D. (2016). Towards a Theory of Surfing Expansion: The Beginnings of Surfing in Spain as a Case Study. RICYDE. Revista Internacional de Ciencias del Deporte, vol. XII, núm. 44, abril, 2016, pp.199-215. |
Freewave website (undated). |
Gardinier, Alain. (2004). Les tontons surfeurs: Aux sources du surf français. Anglet, France: Atlantica. |
Gardinier, Alain. (2007). Les tontons surfeurs à BiarritzZuma productions |
Garmendia, Borja. (2011). E-mail communication August 5, 2011. |
Hennebutte, G. (1985). Patent for 'Board for aquatic sports' |
Ibarbia, Testua-Xabier Azkue. (2017). Martxelo Linazasoro, txanperogile Zumaiarra. Baleike, Issue 267, pages 24-29. |
Linasazoro, A (2012). Letter. January 26, 2012. |
Macdonald, João (2012). Leça Beach, 1927: The first surfers in Portugal |
Manuel Gutierrez, Jose (Meco). E-mail interview January 28 - February 5, 2012. |
Mar, R. (2002). La Primera Vez. Ost. Laga 2002 Negua o Euro, pages 14-15. |
Oxenden, J. (2011) E-mail communication, August 7, 2011 |
Palangié, P (2011). E-mail communication, July 27, 2011). |
Pires, Migue (2010).Interview with Pedro Lima. |
Puyo, Phillipe (1998). |
João Romão Instagram |
Rott, Jacky (2012). Interview by Philip Zibin - October 11, 2012 - Dax, Landes, Southern West France. |
Surf Atlantique (1964, June) Advertisement.. Tout pour le surfer. 1, 26-27 French Federation of Surfing publication. |
Uribe, W (1990). Hace Años. Jose Luis Elejoste. Marejada Surf, 1 (Nov-Dec). Pages 12-13. Translation assistance by Felip Verger. |
Verger, Felip (2012). E-mail communication March 12, 2012. |
Verlomme, Hugo. (1976). Surf saga: cowabunga! Paris: Chêne. |
Verlomme, Hugo (2011): E-mail communication, September 1, 2011. |
Xabier Azkue Ibarbia (2017). Martxelo Linazasoro, txanperogile Zumaiarra, Baleike, No. 267, July-August , pages 24-27. |
Zibin, Philipe (2013). E-mail communication 14 Jan 2013 |
Zuberoa, Andrés(2011): E-mail communication September 14, 2011. |