Rebuilding a 1953 Wolseley 4/44


Christmas 1994 - A very dead 1953 4/44 arrives. It has spent most of the previous 25 years under trees - exposed to the elements. Not much rust, but then again, not much of anything else left either. It had been home to rats and field mice and at some time a possum had expired inside. The smell was unbelievable.
There is more than a year between the first and second photos. Although the body is still a complete disaster, the mechanicals and engine have been rebuilt to go to the "100 Years of Wolseley Rally". 1,700 miles round trip in a car that looked dead and would not lie down and had only been road tested 15 miles the night before leaving.

By this photos, the small amount of rust in the doors had been repaired and a new boot floor fabricated.

Now with all the paint removed. All done with an Air Sander or by hand.The plastic filler above the boot was to smooth out the lead filler.

